List of Built-in Metrics ======================== This package provides some commonly used metrics. They are implemented in a pre-defined protocols in order to be called by experiments classes. Here is an example. .. code:: python def accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred, param_dict=None): """Accuracy classification score. Parameters ---------- y_true : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Ground truth (correct) _labels. y_pred : 1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix Predicted _labels, as returned by a classifier. param_dict: dict A dictory saving the parameters including:: sample_weight : array-like of shape = [n_samples], optional Sample weights. Returns ------- score : float """ # codes... These functions always have three parameters: **y_true** for ground-truth labels, *y_pred* for prediction returned by an estimator, **param_dict** is a dict that stores other parameters used in the function. The built-in metrics include: .. code:: python 'accuracy_score', 'zero_one_loss', 'roc_auc_score', 'get_fps_tps_thresholds', 'f1_score', 'hamming_loss', 'one_error', 'coverage_error', 'label_ranking_loss', 'label_ranking_average_precision_score', 'micro_auc_score', 'Average_precision_score', 'minus_mean_square_error' Please refer to ``s3l.metrics.performance`` for more details.